Alicia Keys于1981年1月25日出生在美国纽约市市区的黑人住宅区,原名Alicia Augello Cook。Alicia Keys是美国R&B音乐界在进入新世纪之后冉冉升起的一名新生代女歌手,出道以来就以其与年龄不相称的成熟和才华取得了非常令人惊异的成就,成为新一代R&B女歌星中的最杰出的代表。尽管年纪轻轻,但是Alicia Keys的创作才华以及富有的创新精神,使她敢于大胆的对自己的音乐做出改变,融合R&B,爵士,hip-hop,对于传统的灵魂乐做出变革,形成自己的风格,这在同年龄段的歌手中是绝无仅有的。 作为当今乐坛首席创作女歌手,四年来只推出一张演唱会专辑显然无法满足歌迷和媒体的渴望。直至今日,SONY BMG终于宣布Alicia Key的全新专辑《As I Am》将于2007年11月12日在全球发行.率先推出的专辑首支单曲《No One》或许可以让我们窥其一斑。《No One》是由Alicia Key制作并填词,同时参与的还包括Kerry "Krucial" Brothers 和Dirty Harry。这位才华横溢的歌手的最新作品一经推出,便成为了2007年中最受欢迎的女艺人单曲。标志性的钢琴原声伴随鼓点的缓缓进入,Alicia极具灵魂味道的唱腔加上感人旋律,极易在心底找到共鸣。这首歌曲感动了所有听众的心 承载着完美结合灵魂、嘻哈、爵士与古典音乐的个性曲风,Alicia先后于2001年和2003年在SONY BMG旗下厂牌J Records发行两张专辑《Songs In A Minor》和《The Diary of Alicia Keys》。这两张专辑都大获成功,不仅在业界备受好评,也取得极佳的销售成绩,更为她赢得无数奖项,包括9座格莱美奖、11座Billboard杂志音乐奖、3座全美音乐奖、3座世界音乐奖、2座MTV音乐录像带大奖、2座MTV欧洲音乐大奖. 已经拥有了如此耀眼成绩的Alicia Keys历时四年精心推出的新专辑,让我们再度一起聆听琴韵心声,一起找寻带给我们心底里面的感动吧! 在本周的美国唱片市场中,最热销的唱片无疑是“R&B才女”阿丽西亚·凯斯(Alicia Keys)的第三张录音室专辑《As I Am》。在美国上市第一周内,这张《As I Am》共售出了74万2千张,轻松获得了本周Billboard 200专辑榜的冠军。据Nielsen SoundScan统计,这是在2004年诺拉·琼斯(Norah Jones)的专辑《Feels Like Home》之后近三年当中所有女歌手单周专辑销量的最高纪录
I just want you close Where you can stay forever You can be sure That it will only get better You and me together Through the days and nights I don't worry cuz Everything's going to be alright People keep talking they can say what they like But all i know is everything's going to be alright No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I'm feeling No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you Can get in the way of what I feel for you When the rain is pouring down And my heart is hurting You will always be around This I know for certain You and me together Through the days and nights I don't worry cuz Everything's going to be alright People keep talking they can say what they like But all i know is everything's going to be alright No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I'm feeling No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you Can get in the way of what I feel I know some people search the world To find something like what we have I know people will try Try to divide Something so real So til the end of time I'm telling you There is no one No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I'm feeling No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you Can get in the way of what I feel for you
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